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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Lord Narasimha Mantras

Lord Narasimha is the fourth incarnation of Lord Maha Vishnu who incarnated to kill Demon Hiranyakashyap and to save his devotee Prahlada. Read the Story of Lord Narasimha by clicking the Link

Narasimha Bija mantra

"Om Kshraum"

Chanting this Bija Mantra is said to removes all sorrows and fears.

Narasimha Maha Mantra

"Om Hrim Ksraum ugram viram maha-vishnum
jvalantam sarvato mukham
nrisimham bhishanam bhadram
mrityur mrityum namamy aham"

Meaning of this Mantra:

"I bow down to Lord Narasimha who is ferocious and heroic like Lord Vishnu. He is burning from every side. He is terrific, auspicious and the death of death personified."

Narasimha Gayatri Mantra

"Om Vajranakhaya Vidmahe
Tiksnadamstraya Dhimahi
Tanno Narasimhah Pracodayat"

Meaning of the Mantra:

"Om let us meditate the half-man and half-lion form of the Lord Narasimha. May this great God with his nails pierce our ignorance and with his fierce sharp tooth destroy the demon of darkness and illuminate our mind and understanding."

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