Chandramaa Manaso Jaatah
In astrology moon is the significator of mind, feelings, imagination, luxuries, music, art, beauty, character, fame and laurels. To perform its Sadhana during a lunar eclipse can mean gaining much. During a lunar eclipse a special energy fills the atmosphere which proves to be very helpful in Sadhanas.
Moon is known for its coolness and beauty , hence its Sadhana can bestow upon a Sadhak beauty, material pleasures and all joys of a family life. Hence the time of a lunar eclipse is very auspicious in this respect for by accomplishing Sadhana during this period one gets linked subtly to this heavenly body and thus by imbibing the rays of the moon one could achieve amazing level of success in life.
One becomes free of all one's problems, tensions and worries by accomplishing Sadhana during a lunar eclipse. The right time is most important in life and by making proper use of these moments one can throw open the doors to success in one's life.
Every person should try to make the best use of these moments by engaging himself in Mantra chanting, Sadhana and worship because there can be no better time than this for riddance from problems of life. The reason for this is that any Sadhana done in this period is a hundred times more effective than one done ordinarily. Chanting a Mantra just once during a lunar eclipse proves as powerful as chanting the same Mantra a hundred times in ordinary conditions.
Great Tantriks and Yogis remain waiting for such moments for they are well aware of their significance. On the other hand the common man being unaware of this significance wastes these moments. The common family man has more problems and worries in his life due to which he remains ever worried. If only he knew, he could make use of these moments and solve all problems of life. Simply put an eclipse is a boon for the common man.
Any Sadhana can be tried during a lunar eclipse, but presented here are some special rituals which can help a person a lot materially if these are tried during the eclipse. One can choose and try any one ritual according to one's needs.
1. Riddance from enemies
Every human has enemies in life. If someone has cheated you financially, involved you in a false law suit or if someone is trying to harm your reputation then try this ritual that shall neutralise all his efforts.
One needs a Shatru Baadhaa Nivaarann Yantra and a Khadag rosary for this Sadhana.
First of all wear yellow robes and sit facing North. Cover a wooden seat with a red cloth and on it place the Yantra in a copper plate. Bathe the Yantra with water, milk, sugar, curd and ghee. Then again bathe with water. Wipe it dry and offer on it vermilion, rice grains and flowers. Light a ghee lamp and incense.
Thereafter take water in the hollow of your right palm and pledge thus - I (name) am doing this Sadhana for defeating the efforts of this (name) enemy. May I be successful. Then let the water flow onto the ground. Then with a Khadag rosary chant 11 rounds of this Mantra. Alternatively one can chant the Mantra for one hour.
Om Kreem Kreem Kreem Shatruhantryei Phat
After the Sadhana tie the Yantra and rosary in a red cloth and drop the bundle in a river or pond. Thus this ritual is accomplished.
2. Riddance from diseases
Those with a weak moon in the natal chart are generally physically weak mainly due to a weak digestive system. To be free of all ailments try this ritual during a lunar eclipse.
Wear white or yellow robes, cover yourself with the Guru shawl (Gurunaami) and sit facing East. Pray to the Guru for success. Take water in the right palm and pray for riddance from your physical problems. After that chant the following Mantra with the Aarogya Varddhini rosary from 7pm to 8 pm.
Om Chandra Tamase Namaha
After completion of the Sadhana drop the rosary in a river or pond. This ritual can be tried by the person for his own good health or on behalf of some ill person.
3. Riddance from problems
If a person accomplishes this ritual during the eclipse then he becomes free of all family problems. It is the best ritual for a lunar eclipse.
Wear yellow clothes and sit on a mat facing East. Cover a wooden seat with yellow cloth and on it place 11 leaves of Peepul (holy fig) having first washed them with water. On each place a Kulaal Chakra. Offer vermilion, rice grains, flowers on each Chakra. Light incense and a ghee lamp. Then chant the following Mantra for an hour during eclipse.
Om Hreem Baadhaa Nivaarannyei Namaha
After the Sadhana tie all articles in the yellow cloth and drop the bundle in a river or pond. After accomplishment of the Sadhana offer prayers to Sadgurudev by singing the Guru Aarti.
Without doubt if these rituals are tried during an eclipse the Sadhak gains much. Any person whether a man or a woman can try these Sadhanas.
Different members can try different Sadhanas and thus accomplish all the Sadhanas if the family so wishes.
The indicated benefits do accrue on devoted accomplishment of these rituals.
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